Event Nr. 2 Summer Academy in Spain

Date: 14-18.07.2022
Venue: BIENVENIDA, Spain
Participants: 4 from 27 Partners + 50 local participants

Specific topic: Fake news as the problem of using the media as the tool for spreading Euroscepticism and undermining the European institutions and all the benefits of the EU membership

Project activities:

  1. Presentation: The project co-ordinators will present the REFORM project as well as other European Programmes such as Erasmus +, Creative Europe…
  2. Debate: The rise of populism in Europe – a trend or a threat? The debate is an opportunity for the participants to get together in an informal setting to examine, discuss and debate on the specific topic.
  3. Workshop: RETHINK – Can acceptance of different ways of thinking make Europe more approachable? Participants will take part in a workshop discussing about tolerance and solidarity emphasizing the importance of intercultural dialogue and civic participation.
  4. Group discussion: How can fake news become a seed of Euroscepticism? Participants will discuss the topic trying to connect real fake news and Eurosceptic opinion.
  5. Lecture: Fake news or how to resist the temptation of going astray? A lecture held by a professional in this specific topic.
  6. Creative session: Get trolled: Writing and detecting a fake news story. (Groupwork) In small groups the participants will work together and write a fake news story.
  7. Quescussion: Would an international ‘fact checking’ agency help stop fake news? Quescussion is an unusual activity where participants involved can discuss only by making another question about the topic. At the end all questions are summarized, and facilitator extracts the answers from the question
  8. Role play: Reaction to a fake news: conservatives vs. liberals. The participants will be divided into several groups representing conservative or liberal point of view and expressing their opinion about fake news. The participants will have several news to discuss not knowing which one is fake.
  9. Debate: This Reformal meeting helps the participants to learn about the White paper on the future of Europe and have an interactive discussion in an informal, relaxing environment about the Scenario 2: Nothing but the single market.
  10. Storytelling: DON’T REPEAT, RETELL! (80 years after the Spanish Civil War). An expert will take the role of a Storyteller and share some stories from that war regarding the local area with the participants. Stories will include their personal point of view without interference of the participants. After it will be organised a short discussion about the impact of the story on the participants.
  11. Game show: Replay! – The game show played interactively during the meeting. The participants will be playing it online whenever they have time. They will have to collaborate closely with participants from other countries to gain the right answers.
  12. Cultural event: During the meeting it will be organised a small fair where the participants will have the opportunity to exchange the paintings, books, photos etc. During the fair they will have to present their country’s cultural and culinary specialities.
  13. Local event: Taste the difference, make a difference! – Participants will experience traditional way of life in Badajoz region by taking part in series of activities (flamenco dancing, making paella, etc)
  14. Local volunteering action: By taking part in this activity the participants will be encouraged to become active citizens and motivated to show respect and give back to the local society.
  15. Survey: A survey as a research method will be carried out for collecting data and opinions from the citizens living in rural areas to gain more information and insights on the topic, focusing on the question: What are the perspectives of rural citizen in Europe?

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